Special Meeting of Secretariat Minutes
February 6, 2016 Asbury UMC
Meeting opened with singing, Come Holy Spirit.
Secretariat Members in attendance: Wanda Byrd, Cindy Shelley, Wayne Cheek, Max Raney, Phil DeMoss, Jeff Smith, Deanna Cheek.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand is $2453.14, with bill for truck insurance pending.
Minutes of previous meeting were read. Wanda moved, seconded by Jeff, to accept. Motion passed.
There was discussion about using AirGas for helium. Max moved, Wanda seconded, to approve. Motion passed.
Vickie Gilmer, Communications Representative, presented a bill for the one-year renewal for the Web Page Domain Name fee of $49.95 per year. Renewal for the website itself is in September.
Question was raised about who are the Secretariat Board members and when their terms are up. Committee Representatives from the community (non-Weekend Committee) are Cindy Shelley, acting Rector, elected August 2015, term expires August 2018, Phil DeMoss whose term is expiring this month, and a vacancy due to a resignation. The members of the Weekend Committee (who are all past weekend rectors) are Wayne Cheek, Wanda Byrd and Jeff Smith. All three of these members are due to be replaced or re-elected by the Weekend Committee at their next meeting. Max Raney is the Clergy Representative. He was elected in 2015.
Deanna will post a request on Facebook and the Website for nominees from the community for Secretariat.
Round Table Discussions:
The general consensus is that communication needs to be improved. The venues of communication are Email, Web Page and Facebook.
We need to rebuild the email database. Several pleas have been made for current email addresses. The Web Site has been expanded so that we can have a private section for members through password access to see published information.
What is the Mission statement of Camino? We need to refocus; we have lost our sense of direction.
Pam emphasized that the deadline for participant applications for the July weekend is June 22nd.
Upcoming Consuno Dates:
February 13 - Hood UMC in Republic
March 12 - St. Paul’s UMC in Joplin
April - tentatively scheduled for West Plains
May 7 - Hartville Christian Church
June 4 - Lebanon UMC
July - Weekends Month, no Consuno
August 6 - Barry County Museum, Cassville
Meeting closed with prayer.
Submitted by Deanna Cheek, Secretary
In Attendance:
Don & Janie Bates
Jo & Steve Lovejoy
Mindy & Chuck Sexon
Rick & Becky Bean
Missy Bean
Angie Adams
Doris Heistand
Tim & Angie Blankenship
Sharon Coomer
John Comer
Ed Evers
Amy Turner
Rick & Brenda Boyd
Bob Simpson
Dave & Jeanne Richardson
Bob & Beckie Legler
Herman Byrd
David & Vickie Gilmer
Gene & Carri Hastings
Pam Smith
J.D. & Pam Mayo
Rejeanna Williams
Russell & Ruby Richmond
Randy Sutter
Julie Dougherty
February 6, 2016 Asbury UMC
Meeting opened with singing, Come Holy Spirit.
Secretariat Members in attendance: Wanda Byrd, Cindy Shelley, Wayne Cheek, Max Raney, Phil DeMoss, Jeff Smith, Deanna Cheek.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand is $2453.14, with bill for truck insurance pending.
Minutes of previous meeting were read. Wanda moved, seconded by Jeff, to accept. Motion passed.
There was discussion about using AirGas for helium. Max moved, Wanda seconded, to approve. Motion passed.
Vickie Gilmer, Communications Representative, presented a bill for the one-year renewal for the Web Page Domain Name fee of $49.95 per year. Renewal for the website itself is in September.
Question was raised about who are the Secretariat Board members and when their terms are up. Committee Representatives from the community (non-Weekend Committee) are Cindy Shelley, acting Rector, elected August 2015, term expires August 2018, Phil DeMoss whose term is expiring this month, and a vacancy due to a resignation. The members of the Weekend Committee (who are all past weekend rectors) are Wayne Cheek, Wanda Byrd and Jeff Smith. All three of these members are due to be replaced or re-elected by the Weekend Committee at their next meeting. Max Raney is the Clergy Representative. He was elected in 2015.
Deanna will post a request on Facebook and the Website for nominees from the community for Secretariat.
Round Table Discussions:
The general consensus is that communication needs to be improved. The venues of communication are Email, Web Page and Facebook.
We need to rebuild the email database. Several pleas have been made for current email addresses. The Web Site has been expanded so that we can have a private section for members through password access to see published information.
What is the Mission statement of Camino? We need to refocus; we have lost our sense of direction.
- How do we increase the numbers?
- Should we just have a women’s weekend if the numbers are there?
- We need to focus on the reasons for asking participants, rather than just getting the numbers.
- Can we check with other organizations to see if they are having the same problems and if so, what are their solutions?
- Are we reaching out to new churches to increase involvement?
- How do we start a drive to do so? Ruby discussed how people used to to go to other churches and share Camino with them and answer any questions.
- How do we market ourselves?
- Max stated that we need to get back to the basics.
- Pastors are busy and suffer burnout.
- Have pastors pulled back because we are off mission?
- Pastors need to be utilized and supported; without them we fail.
- Sponsors need better mentoring and have to do better with follow-through.
- Are we plugging participants into Camino through Reunion Groups, Consunos, etc?
- Wanda shared how West Plains has in-house mini Consunos at times because many of their new Viajeros have young families and cannot always drive long distances for Consunos.
- Angela talked about the difficulties of having families with smaller children. Can we improve ways to assist them in the difficulties?
- We need qualified members on the Board. Do we need to address the restructuring of the by-laws? We have repeatedly stressed that everyone is invited to attend the Secretariat meetings but since only the elected members can vote, does that stop some people from attending? If people don’t attend to find out what’s going on, we don’t have a good pool of qualified informed members to elect to the board.
- There is still a need for our service.
- There still seems to be a heart for Camino.
Pam emphasized that the deadline for participant applications for the July weekend is June 22nd.
Upcoming Consuno Dates:
February 13 - Hood UMC in Republic
March 12 - St. Paul’s UMC in Joplin
April - tentatively scheduled for West Plains
May 7 - Hartville Christian Church
June 4 - Lebanon UMC
July - Weekends Month, no Consuno
August 6 - Barry County Museum, Cassville
Meeting closed with prayer.
Submitted by Deanna Cheek, Secretary
In Attendance:
Don & Janie Bates
Jo & Steve Lovejoy
Mindy & Chuck Sexon
Rick & Becky Bean
Missy Bean
Angie Adams
Doris Heistand
Tim & Angie Blankenship
Sharon Coomer
John Comer
Ed Evers
Amy Turner
Rick & Brenda Boyd
Bob Simpson
Dave & Jeanne Richardson
Bob & Beckie Legler
Herman Byrd
David & Vickie Gilmer
Gene & Carri Hastings
Pam Smith
J.D. & Pam Mayo
Rejeanna Williams
Russell & Ruby Richmond
Randy Sutter
Julie Dougherty