Secretariat Minutes
June 4, 2016 Lebanon UMC
Bob Legler opened with prayer. The first half hour focused on by-laws. Bob will write up notes and send out for vote.
Those present: Bob Legler, Dave Gilmer, Barb Groves, Max Raney, Cindy Shelley, Carrie Hastings, Herman Byrd, Wanda Byrd, Rick Bean Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Linda Johnson, Deanna Cheek. Carrie closed with prayer.
Secretariat meeting called to order by Rector Bob Legler, opening with the prayer for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members in attendance: Bob Legler, Carrie Hastings, Cindy Shelley, David Gilmer, Barb Groves, and Max Raney.
Others in attendance: Deanna Cheek, Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Brad Groves, Beckie Legler, Gene Hastings, Denise Schnabl, and Doris Heistand.
Minutes of previous meeting were approved by e-mail.
New business: There was no response from clergy concerning the effort to get pastors together for discussion. Consensus seems to be that a lot of pastors are afraid of losing members to Camino and don’t understand what Camino is all about. There is a need to update brochures and put info on DVDs to send out with a target date of November 1, 2016 and also put this on the website. Barb will contact viajeros, the Towes to ask for their help.
All applications need to be able to print out each individually.
August consuno will be at Barry County Museum in Cassville.
September picnic will be at J.R.Martin park in Republic on the 10th with Secretariat at 3 and picnic from 4-6.
There are applications coming in.
Vickie reported that the committee is still working on the by-laws.
Meeting closed with prayer by Max.
Submitted by Secretariat secretary, Deanna Cheek
June 4, 2016 Lebanon UMC
Bob Legler opened with prayer. The first half hour focused on by-laws. Bob will write up notes and send out for vote.
Those present: Bob Legler, Dave Gilmer, Barb Groves, Max Raney, Cindy Shelley, Carrie Hastings, Herman Byrd, Wanda Byrd, Rick Bean Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Linda Johnson, Deanna Cheek. Carrie closed with prayer.
Secretariat meeting called to order by Rector Bob Legler, opening with the prayer for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members in attendance: Bob Legler, Carrie Hastings, Cindy Shelley, David Gilmer, Barb Groves, and Max Raney.
Others in attendance: Deanna Cheek, Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Brad Groves, Beckie Legler, Gene Hastings, Denise Schnabl, and Doris Heistand.
Minutes of previous meeting were approved by e-mail.
New business: There was no response from clergy concerning the effort to get pastors together for discussion. Consensus seems to be that a lot of pastors are afraid of losing members to Camino and don’t understand what Camino is all about. There is a need to update brochures and put info on DVDs to send out with a target date of November 1, 2016 and also put this on the website. Barb will contact viajeros, the Towes to ask for their help.
All applications need to be able to print out each individually.
August consuno will be at Barry County Museum in Cassville.
September picnic will be at J.R.Martin park in Republic on the 10th with Secretariat at 3 and picnic from 4-6.
There are applications coming in.
Vickie reported that the committee is still working on the by-laws.
Meeting closed with prayer by Max.
Submitted by Secretariat secretary, Deanna Cheek