Secretariat Minutes
May 7, 2016 Hartville Christian Church
Meeting called to order by Rector Bob Legler, opening with the prayer for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members in attendance: Bob Legler, Carri Hastings, Cindy Shelley, David Gilmer, Barb Groves, and Max Raney.
Others in attendance: Deanna Cheek, Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Brad Groves, Beckie Legler, Gene Hastings, Denise Schnabl, and Doris Heistand.
Past due bills for the helium were paid with the notice that we want to discontinue the contract.
Discussion was held concerning the terms of Secretariat members to agree with by-laws. Members drew numbers to determine terms.
Terms of the members of the community are as follows:Barb Groves will serve 1 year, Jeanne Richardson will serve 2 years, and Cindy Shelley will serve 3 years.
Terms or members of the Weekend committee are as follows: Dave Gilmer will serve 1 year, Carri Hastings will serve 2 years, and Bob Legler will serve 3 years.
The regular election of community members is in January. The election of Weekend members is the first Weekend meeting of the year.
Vickie has extended the deadline for the first review of the bylaws to Friday the 13th. Members of that committee need to be aware of their commitment to that committee.
Bob asked the Secretariat members to get together 30 minutes before the next meeting to go over the present by-laws and critique them. The meeting is in Lebanon- time will be at 3:30 p.m.
There was discussion about bringing original Camino members to ask how to bring back the passion for Camino. We need to be careful to emphasize that Camino is not to take the place of the church. Max suggested having a meeting to plan a format, bringing in pastors from non-Camino churches for a seminar. Max and Bob will work together to get this started.
Vickie has lost 10 workers on the cuna team and 2 participants. Brad is reworking his team. June 22nd is the deadline for participant applications.
Amy suggested designating a day for the entire Camino community to be in prayer for Camino. The day is May 28th from 8a.m. until 10 a.m.
Barb moved, Cindy seconded that we have the weekend in July. Motion carried. It was agreed that WE ARE having the Camino weekend in July regardless of numbers (that is just for this weekend). WE have to make it happen.
Bob moved, David seconded, to have Frank Washburn fill in as Weekend rector. Motion carried.
Meeting closed with prayer by Max.
Submitted by Deanna Cheek, Secretary
May 7, 2016 Hartville Christian Church
Meeting called to order by Rector Bob Legler, opening with the prayer for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members in attendance: Bob Legler, Carri Hastings, Cindy Shelley, David Gilmer, Barb Groves, and Max Raney.
Others in attendance: Deanna Cheek, Wayne Cheek, Amy Turner, Brad Groves, Beckie Legler, Gene Hastings, Denise Schnabl, and Doris Heistand.
Past due bills for the helium were paid with the notice that we want to discontinue the contract.
Discussion was held concerning the terms of Secretariat members to agree with by-laws. Members drew numbers to determine terms.
Terms of the members of the community are as follows:Barb Groves will serve 1 year, Jeanne Richardson will serve 2 years, and Cindy Shelley will serve 3 years.
Terms or members of the Weekend committee are as follows: Dave Gilmer will serve 1 year, Carri Hastings will serve 2 years, and Bob Legler will serve 3 years.
The regular election of community members is in January. The election of Weekend members is the first Weekend meeting of the year.
Vickie has extended the deadline for the first review of the bylaws to Friday the 13th. Members of that committee need to be aware of their commitment to that committee.
Bob asked the Secretariat members to get together 30 minutes before the next meeting to go over the present by-laws and critique them. The meeting is in Lebanon- time will be at 3:30 p.m.
There was discussion about bringing original Camino members to ask how to bring back the passion for Camino. We need to be careful to emphasize that Camino is not to take the place of the church. Max suggested having a meeting to plan a format, bringing in pastors from non-Camino churches for a seminar. Max and Bob will work together to get this started.
Vickie has lost 10 workers on the cuna team and 2 participants. Brad is reworking his team. June 22nd is the deadline for participant applications.
Amy suggested designating a day for the entire Camino community to be in prayer for Camino. The day is May 28th from 8a.m. until 10 a.m.
Barb moved, Cindy seconded that we have the weekend in July. Motion carried. It was agreed that WE ARE having the Camino weekend in July regardless of numbers (that is just for this weekend). WE have to make it happen.
Bob moved, David seconded, to have Frank Washburn fill in as Weekend rector. Motion carried.
Meeting closed with prayer by Max.
Submitted by Deanna Cheek, Secretary