Secretariat Minutes
Republic J.R. Martin Park September 8, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Bob Legler, leading in the prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members present Bob Legler, Dave Gilmer, Carri Hastings, Barb Groves, Max Raney, and secretary Deanna Cheek.
Business: discussion centered on the number of Consunos to be held each year, whether to continue as usual, cut to 5 quarterly or 3 bi-monthly. Do we have enough participating churches to continue as usual?
CCUMC and St. Paul’s UMC have opted out because of other ministries. Current active churches are Monett, West Plains, Hartville, Conway, and Republic J.R. Martin park for the annual picnic.
Dave Gilmer will try to find other locations.
Barb Groves moved, Carrie Hastings seconded, to table discussion until November meeting at West Plains. Motion passed.
There are currently 5 women and 3 men participants signed up.
Treasurer’s report: There is $529.41 in the treasury.
Submitted by Secretary Deanna Cheek
Republic J.R. Martin Park September 8, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Bob Legler, leading in the prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Members present Bob Legler, Dave Gilmer, Carri Hastings, Barb Groves, Max Raney, and secretary Deanna Cheek.
Business: discussion centered on the number of Consunos to be held each year, whether to continue as usual, cut to 5 quarterly or 3 bi-monthly. Do we have enough participating churches to continue as usual?
CCUMC and St. Paul’s UMC have opted out because of other ministries. Current active churches are Monett, West Plains, Hartville, Conway, and Republic J.R. Martin park for the annual picnic.
Dave Gilmer will try to find other locations.
Barb Groves moved, Carrie Hastings seconded, to table discussion until November meeting at West Plains. Motion passed.
There are currently 5 women and 3 men participants signed up.
Treasurer’s report: There is $529.41 in the treasury.
Submitted by Secretary Deanna Cheek